Electrical Problems Common In Air Conditioners

Community Cooling and Heating Inc.


Electrical problems are one of the most common sources of air conditioner problems!

A common source of air conditioner trouble in Fort Myers is electrical problems. As electricity travel through wires it creates heat, which can deteriorate the housing that surrounds the wires, making them more susceptible to drying out, cracks, and shorts. This is one of the prime reasons it pays to have your air conditioning equipment checked by a licensed contractor at least once a year.

Most of the wiring in your air conditioning equipment is hidden by panels and plates, obscuring them from the homeowners sight. And a/c contractor can access those wires and connections and determine the likelihood of failure in the upcoming months.

Inspection by a licensed air conditioning contractor is the best way you can prevent small problems from becoming large, expensive problems!

Improper voltage due to damaged or faulty wiring can lead to other components within your air conditioner to break down or wear out faster then they would 3 normal use.

The slideshow below shows pictures of wiring in electrical problems we encountered in the past few months.


Air conditioner service and inspection is your best bet to keep your equipment running effectively,

efficiently, and safely!

Fort Myers, Florida

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